
Just found out that cos we start celebrating lord’s day (sunday) on saturday evening, I can go on the internet then. that would have been useful four weeks ago! ok, something entertaining for my non-existing readers…
I got it.
Once upon a time, there was a girl. (ME) She had an older brother who she sa as the one perfect being in the universe. they were always getting into trouble together. and we did a hell of a lot of embaressing things. so somethings shall not be written. but we did some great things too. like trying to build a piramid. it didn’t work. but we got along great. (mostly due to the fact that I pretty much worshiped him) It took me almost ten years to realize that we were differant. I think it hit when we started hanging out with (Big reveale, ally’s real name!) Ann-Elise and Jason. (Hi!) they are contantly fighting. sereously, you can’t have a conversation about anything without an arument breaking out. and they’re always complaining about each other. Noah went away for three days, and I almost died of boredem. If I told you that I wandted to be normal, I would be lying. I know too many normal people. Ann-Elise, My cousin,(more onher later.) Just people I’ve met. (Happy slappy goodys. Happy slappy goodys with ASBOs. Happy slappy goodys with ASBOs and ringtones.)
Normal people who- I don’t know, watch telly all day, and eat lotsa takeout, who read 100 page books, and have phones and ipods and all sorts of stuff. I’d rather write about dragons, and read shakespeare, invent a paracosm, eat home made food, (my little sister genevieve is a genius at making cookies!) get a sword, sew a dress. the problem woth normal people is that they’re so- normal. six billion people to beat. get crackin. I’m out.
but first;
oh, and by the way:
(MY family:
Charlie (He has autism)
Noah (aforsaid broher)

Willing suspension of disbelief

The dictionary definition:

‘a willingness to suspend one’s critical faculties and believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment.’
Willing suspension of disbelief is imperative if you like faerie tales(as I do). This is what happens when you take two people, one who practices Willing suspension of disbelief, and one who doesn’t. (I’ve changed the name of my friend, cos I forgot to ask her permition to use it.)
The scene: Ally’s porch.

Me: Hi Ally!
Ally: Hi! I’m bored.
Me: ditto.
Ally: Tell me a story, please.
Me: no.
Ally: please.
Me: no.
Ally: pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease puh-leeez!
Me: will you stop asking if I do?!?
Ally: Yes.

Me: fine. let me think. Ok, once upon a time, there was a king. And he had three sons. one day, as the princes were walking in the town, they spied a beautiful girl brushing her hair in a window.

Ally: Why was she brushing her hair in a window? why not in the bathroom?

Me: I don’t know! she just was! anyways ,the princes at once resolved to ask for her hand. but, seeing that they all had the same idea, they began to quarrel, and soon fell into a fight. just as they had drawn their swords, an old hag rushed up. upon seeing what they were fighting over, she cried: “Oh, vile girl! you will be punished for this! and at once the girl vanished.

Ally: Waht’s up with the hag? is she her mother?

Me: I don’t know! be quiet, and let me finish! So, seeing as the object of their desire had vanished, they went home.

Ally: Gosh, the players.

Me: Ally!

Ally: sorry. please continue.

Me: now, the king was starting to get old, and he decided to test his sons to see which one would be best suited to inheirit the throne. so one day he called his sons before him and said: “You must find me a dog small enough to run around on the palm of my hand. the one who does this will be king after me.”

Ally: Weird test. wouldn’t he have them do something like, swordfighting, or eating a hamster?

Me: eating a- what? you know what? never mind. I’m leaving.

Ally: Wait! I’m sorry, please finish.

Me: fine. the two older brothers took gold and servants, jewels and attendants, caravans and horses, and set of to towns and citys. but the youngest prince took nothing, and set of a seldom traveled road into the woods, and soon was lost. he sat down by a stream and despaired. but then a big toad hopped up and said: “Why are you crying, prince?”

Ally: The toad was talking?!?

Me: yes. it was. The prince said: “I’m lost, and I dont have a dog to bring to my father.”

Ally: And the prince was fine with the talking toad!?


Ally:ok, ok!

Me: The toad said: “My name is puddocky, and take this walnut, and give it to your father, and tell him to crack it with care. so she showed the prince the way out, and he arrived at the castle at the same time as his brothers. his brothers had caravans full of dogs, but none small enough to run around on the palm of the kings hand. then the youngset son stepped forward and gave his father the walnut and told him to crack it with care. so the king cracked the walnut, and inside it was a almond, and inside that was a-

Ally: wait, there was an almond inside a walnut? how did that happen?

Me: does it matter? inside that was a dog that was small enough to run aroung on the palm of the kings hand.

Ally: That can’t happen!

Me: thats why I read this story in the fiction section of the library! He had the other dogs thrown into the river, then the king gave then another test. the sons had to find a piece of silk a mile wide and a mile long, that could fit through his ring.

Ally: What? whats the point of that?

Me: nothing! It has no point! The older brothers took servants and-

Ally:yeah, yeah, I get it. They went to town, the younger one went to the forest and got lost.

Me:oh. Yes. So puddocky came up and asked why he was crying. “I’m lost and I have no silk to take to my father.” Puddocky said: I can help. Take this brazil nut to you father-
Ally: what with the nuts? And how is the toad getting them?

Me: I don’t know! Anyway, he took the nut home and-

Ally: yes. His brother had tons of silk, but none fit through, and the other son gave the king the nut and inside was some silk and it fit through. What happens next?

Me: You are really annoying, did you know that?

Ally: yes.

Me: so the king gave them another test. They must find the most beautiful woman the world. And the son with the most beautiful would be king.

Ally: and then the younger so went to the woods and got lost and met the toad. Faerie tales are repetitive, aren’t they?

Me: yes, they are. So puddocky asked him why he was crying, and he said:”alas, even you can’t help me this time.” Puddocky said:”don’t be so sure. Take this road out of the forest and I will be along presently.” So as the prince was walking out of the forest, a black carriage puled by four black rats came along, with puddocky inside. But as the carriage reached the edge of the forest, it turned to white with gold trimming, pulled by four white horses. and inside was a beautiful woman that the prince recognized as the girl in the town. The prince reached the castle at the same time as his brothers. They had caravans full of women-

Ally: that just sounds weird.

Me:but none were as beautiful as puddocky. So the king had the other women thrown into the river and drowned, and he made the youngest prince king, and puddocky his wife. And if they are not dead they are living still. The end.

Ally: thats terrible!

Me: I didn’t write it. I’ve gotta go. Bye.

Well, that was my day to day. Til next week.


Here I am again, writing. I really wish I was still sleeping. Buuut, we’re going some where, so I had to get up early. Going now, so I’ll do a bigger post later. Dont worry, it’ll be funny.

Duct tape

Just for the record, this is the third time I’m writing this. First time it got deleted(so thats what the undo button does…) second time I had to eat dinner, and some one closed the window. But here it is.
Duct tape.
Duck tape.
Ducked ape.
However you pronounce it, My little sisters are obssesed with the stuff. They’re sitting at the table right now, makeing shoes and wristlets and boxes. Yes, boxes. And it all works! They’re thrifty, if nothing else. They say its fun. $10 on duck tape. Yowzah. Shoes…


wow, three posts in one day. thats gotta be some kinda record.
Anyways. Important information.
For the next like, two or three weeks, I’m only going to be able to get on here on sundays. Lent. I gave up internet. And as my best friend lives in kansas, and I don’t, this was a terrable idea.
S’all for now.
oh, and a bit about me.
LotR fan!
I’m pretty well read.
My older brother is awesome.
I love faerie tales.
I like shakespeare.(he couldn’t spell his own name and made up some of the best insults ever! whats not to like?)
I love Sherlock.
And starwars.
Thats about it.
yup, this is me, talking to non-existant readers…

Writer’s block

I have writer’s block. So here I am. Writing something not my book. Wy book is called Isea, and its about a world called Nyd. Hence the title of my blog. I’m going to write about something random.
At the top of the next street over, there is a blue house. It’s empty. And haunted. Weird noises come from it, and the people who lived there just left one day, leaving clothes and toys. The police put up a notice one day, there was a vagabond (Wonderful word!) living in the house. At least, there was evadence of someone living there, but no one ever actually saw a person. Some times the radiator will turn on randomly. Haunted. Very.
there, I feel much better. I might even go write some in my book.